Thursday 27 February 2014

Modelling - Easter Island Town Houses

With my concepts drawn to scale, i could easily use these to model from within Maya. These made the modelling stage of this process a lot easier, i just had to keep looking at how it was turning out and making any changes i thought were necessary to improve them.

For both versions i created a high and low poly and created an AO map from them which had all the high poly detail. These were my outcomes of the two house designs i created.

Low Poly House version 1

 High Poly House version 1

House version 1 AO & UVs

House version 1 render updates

This is the second house design i created to add some variation to the towns design and look within the map.

Low Poly House version 2


High Poly House version 2

House version 2 AO & UVs

House version 2 render updates

After creating these two models, i showed the rest of my team and they were happy with the final outcomes. I also showed them to one of my lecturers on this module Rob and he said that as they're quite low poly and might be only seen from the top view sometimes in the game that i could maybe add a bit more detail to those areas to make it more interesting when playing our game.

I took this in to consideration and came up with the idea that there could be a satellite dish, water collector or an air con generator placed upon the roof of my version 2 house design. This is as it has a flat roof compared to version 1 which has a typical angled roof. 

I didn't have any problems in the modelling process of these assets and i'll get on with the feedback when i'm next working on this module.

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