Sunday 2 February 2014

Level Design Ideas

With our idea set and approved, we were all ready to get going. We quickly went through our asset list and assigned jobs to everyone so that people could be getting on with bits of the project. Robert Leach was tasked with the job of creating a few ideas for the map layout.

As we were doing it on Easter island we had a base layout of the landscape and could produce a suitable route from this.

Idea 1

Idea 2

Idea 3

With these three as the main couple of ideas as a team we gave feedback as to what we thought might work well and what we could improve on in the final plan. We all liked the idea of coming from the sea to attack the aliens base of operations. Another key point we liked the idea of was having the end boss based at one of the three volcanoes that are situated on the island. 

Also someone came up with the idea of going through a tunnel which leads to the boss. This would be a great area to switch from the top down view to behind the helicopter. Having to dodge rocks and shoot alien troops. 

A key improvement was to try and get a balance between the amount of turns and straight runs within the level to account for the occlusion.(Rendering of the level). 

With some of these key points and improvements taken in to consideration Robert Leach went away a created a final plan.

Final Plan

I really like this final idea and it has many different areas which bring great game play features to our level. The only thing we were worried about as a team is that it might be too long but if so we can eliminate maybe one or more areas of battle to decrease the level play time. 

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